Emma Onyemaechi • 22 February, 2022
» Updated 7 months ago

About Mission Training and Discipleship (MTD) in FECA Nigeria


MTD stands for Mission Training and Discipleship. It is a program in FECA that is often headed by the National Outreach Coordinator. He or she has other functions which you can read here

Since the last quarter of 2021, FECAites have been looking into so many things, but one of them is very loud: The Spirit of FECA. This is a program that the National Outreach Coordinator and the National President of FECA do handle; but the National Outreach is key. In this training. FECAites are taught principles of life that are meant to increase their leadership capacity, knowledge-base about people, self-discovery and growth, and knowledge about God. This program usually takes two to three days to complete because of the robust curriculum and practical exercises that are involved. In this program, for instance, the one held in Enugu Zone (which saw the presence of the National President, Mr. Edem Samuel and National Outreach Coordinator, Mr. Michael Bassey). In that MTD in Enugu Zone, Mr. Bassey treated the topic on Leadership Qualities, while the national President treated the topic: The Spirit of FECA. 

Excerpts from "Leadership Qualities" taught by the National Outreach Coordinator, Mr Michael Bassey (2020-2022 tenure)

Excerpts on Vision

  1. Vision is the one thing that makes you focused in the pursuit of your life goals.

  2. A man without Vision is a man without direction.

  3. Vision is what drives your daily routine. What you do daily defines where you are going to end up in the next five years.

  4. To determine your future, it is easy, just check what you are doing right now and what takes most of your time daily.

  5. Having a vision is what makes you move faster in life.

  6. One of the ways to grow your chapter is that you must be highly visionary. If you can see fifty, you can sit fifty.

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Excerpts on Purposeful Relationship

  1. You don't need everybody in your team; just pick your disciples

  2. Your values drive your pick

  3. Don't be afraid to leave a group that does not walk towards your vision

  4. For every place you find yourself, define your purpose of being there

  5. Set out daily to pray and have a to-do list to guide you, if to-do list works for you.

Excerpts on Self-Development

  1. Read books, attend seminars, and teach people because the more you expose yourself to knowledge, the better you become at your field.

  2. Acquire skills that are relevant and be proficient at them.

  3. Be patient. Self-development does not happen overnight. 

  4. One of the confidence you have when you go through life is the voice of God in you and the ability to hear him clearly.

5 Determinants of  a Leader's attitude

  1. The attitude of a leader is determined by what he sees himself as

  2. the way he views others

  3. the way he thinks; his belief system

  4. the way he feels, his emotions and

  5. the way he can produce

3 Types of Leadership are 

  1. Visionary leadership

  2. Pace-setters

  3. Servant leadership

  4. The National President also taught on the Spirit of FECA: Discipleship. He did this in the Enugu Zonal MTD and in the National Leadership Retreat, Abia 2022. Read full article about the Spirit of FECA here.

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